
Tuesday, October 15, 2019

My Pepeha

WALT : we are learning aur Pepeha

Ko Awanul te awa 
My river is Awanul
Ko Puwheke te maunga
My mountain is Puwheke
Ko Kuraupo te waka
my waka is Kuraupo
Ko Te Paa a Parore te marae
My marae is Te Paa a Parore 
Ko Ngai Takoto te iwi
My tribe is Ngai Takoto 
Ko Tristan Stevenson ahau
My name is Tristan Stevenson

i didn't like doing it because it took too long colouring.

do you know your  Pepeha??

Friday, August 23, 2019


Walt; we are learning how to use division in Maths.

It was easy to do because it was like 6+6= 12. I hope you got it right because
if you don't get it right, don't cry, keep on trying again.

what division can you do?

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

my math goal;

Walt; i am learning how to inprove my math skills

Goal; is to 100% on stage 5

It was hard to do because i was stole at stage 2-3 but i had to do stage 5

Do you think math is easy? 

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

white bait connection

WALT: we are learning to be kaitiaki in our community.

  1. How to use a  trap 
  2. How long to what for the white bait to came  to growe?
  3. How do plats  grow in water when it only in water ! 
We should keep the water clean so it is healthy  and do not cut the trees down to the ground so the dirt doesn’t roll down into the water so that is why we  shouldn’t cut the trees down to the ground stop cutting the trees down so stop cutting the trees  down. We need the water clean 

How to use a trap. The fish swim in the trap and it can’t get out of the trap because it doesn’t know what way to go to get out of the trap so it just gives up 

 If  we find the bad things we kill them all

Lincoln, me, reo, and mia are our team

it was very had to do because there was lot to writing to do

Monday, July 1, 2019


WALT we are about Matariki

When is matariki? Thes year it was on the 25th of june. What is matariki? It is the Maori new year and a cluster of stars Where is matariki? It is east of the southern cross east ot pot east and is best seen in the early morning
5 Facts about Matariki
1)What it is called around the world. Maori - Tiny eyes or eyes of god lish, it is called the Pleiades (its ancient Greek name) or the Seven Sisters. The Hawaiian name is Makali‘i, or ‘eyes of royalty’, and in Japan it is Subaru, meaning ‘gathered together’. 2) matariki tells maoriwhen to plant tleir vegtables 3)there are more than 500 stars in the matariki cluster but 6 or 7 can be seen without a telescope 4) it is 440 light years away from earth 5) it would take 4.8 billion years to get there at speed of a car going 100kmph

it was hard for me to find the facts because there was lot to read i liked the art because
i got to use the hot glue gun

do you celebrate Matariki?

Friday, June 21, 2019


WALT we are learning to  play ki-o-rahi

This is a feld  of ki-o-rahi. Blue dots are the taniwha The orange dots are the pou The pink dot is  the lady

it Was hard for me to do the game  
have You  played ki-o-rahi?

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Learning Maps

Walt we are learning about who and what helps us  learn

My learning map shows that my  surface pro helps me

I don’t like making learning maps

What helps you learn???

Monday, June 17, 2019

P.E Swimming

Walt we are learning to swim safely

I am able to float on my front and back.     Not yet

I can do  front glide with correct kicking. Net yet

I can glide on my back with correct  kicking. Not yet

I can swim freestyle. Not yet

I can  swim backstroke. Achieved  

I can  swim to keep afloat. Not yet

I can one length of freestyle with correct breathing.  Not yet

I can not float on my front and back  because i’m not good at doing it

What is  your favourite way for you to swim?

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

P.E Assessment;

Walt; we are learning to catch and pass a large ball

I show i can throw a  lob pass by putting the ball behind my head throwing  to my partner
I show i can throw a  chest pass by throwing  from My chest to my partners chest    
I show i can throw a  side pass by throwing rugby ball from my waist sideways to my partner   
I show i can throw a  bounce pass by pushing the ball on the ground near my partner’s feet    

I did not like the  chest pass. It hurt my  chest because my partner  was throwing the ball too hard.
I did like the bounce pass because it was easy for me

Are you better at  catching the ball or  throwing?

tristan tree

Monday, June 10, 2019

Gardening with sience

WALT we are learning  to identify  topic specific words and find their meaning

Plant to put or set in the ground to grow
Grow to spring up and develop to maturity
Science an area of knowledge that is an object of study
Soil Dirt that plants grow in
Garden   a plot of ground where herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables are grown
Weather the state of the atmosphere in regard to heat or cold, wetness or dryness, calm or storm, clearness or cloudiness

Finding the meaning to the words was hard for  me.

Do you have  a vegetable  Garden?

Friday, May 3, 2019

My Holiday

WALT we are learning to write, edit and recraft our writing.

To write my story I made a plan at the top of my page. Then I wrote my story underneath. The green writing shows the editing I have done and the red parts show what Mr Masters helped me with.

My published copy:
I went fishing with Papa, Donte and Uncle LJ. We woke up at 6.00am then we went on the ocean on Papa’s boat. When i first cast my line in the water, I caught a fish but when I got it on the side of Papa’s boat the fish got off the line I tried to get the tail of the fish but it was too fast and too slippery. Uncle L.J put on my bait because the first fish that i caught ate my bait. Then I cast my line again. When you see light blue colour coming out of the water that means you caught a fish. It is orange and shiny when it is out of the water. It was a snapper! We caught 16 snappers and 5 kahawai. One of them whipped me with its tail. If it is a snapper, it sometimes stops in the fight. I got a little one and it swallowed my hook so we had to keep the little fish. When we were going back to shore I got splashed by water and my brother laughed at me.

Reflection - I liked it when I finally got to take off the red and green.
Have you been fishing before?

Friday, April 5, 2019

Tidy Number Strategy

Walt: we are learning to use the making 10s/tidy number strategy 



I liked doing this because it was easy. 
Do you have any  Number bonds?

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Number Bonds

Walt we are learning Number bonds to 10,20,50 and 100

Number bonds to 10
Number bonds to 20
Number bonds to 50
Number bonds to 100

Number  bonds are  easy for me because it's just adding

Can you think of a  number bond?

Thursday, March 14, 2019

All About Me

WALT - we are learning to describe to others.

All About Me:
Hello my name is Tristan and I like robots, games, red, pizza, butter chicken, McDonalds, grenades and my favourite song.
I like robots because they can be robot police officers. 
I like games because they are fun. My favourite game is Murder Mysteries 2.
I like red because it is cool.
I like pizza because of its cheesy flavour.  
I like butter chicken because it’s tasty. It is hot and creamy.
I like McDonalds because of it’s burgers. I could eat two cheese burgers at once but I’m not allowed.
I like grenades because they go BOOM!!!
My favourite song is No Money.

By Tristan

The coloring  was to much because I had  to keep on sharpening my coloring pencil.

What is your favourite part?

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


WALT:  we are  learning  about our school value of rereketanga or diversity.

The green arrows mean  the people are happy because they like diversity. The red arrows  mean  the people are are not happy because  they don’t like diversity. The people are similar but  they  all different shapes, sizes and colours.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Waitangi Day

WALT: We are learning about Waitangi day